Records, 1890-1959.


Records, 1890-1959.

The records of the Commercial Club (1890-1913) contain annual and committee reports and directors' minutes. The Chamber of Commerce records (1912-1959) consist mainly of committee reports, giving a good idea of the scope of the organization's interests, including conventions, roads, flood control, manufacturing, municipal development, and trade. Also included are records of ancillary organizations, 1910-1959, including the Indianapolis Trade Association, the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the Sales Executive Council, and the Bureau of Motion Picture Exchange Operators.

10 boxes and 21 bound volumes.

Related Entities

There are 6 Entities related to this resource.

Bureau of Motion Picture Exchange Operators (Indianapolis, Ind.) (corporateBody)

Sales Executive Council (Indianapolis, Ind.) (corporateBody)

Indianapolis Junior Chamber of Commerce (corporateBody)

Indianapolis Trade Association (corporateBody)

Commercial Club (Indianapolis, Ind.) (corporateBody)

Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce (corporateBody)

The Commercial Club was founded in 1890 by Col. Eli Lilly and William Fortune as a men's club that worked for conventions and civic improvements. In 1911 it combined with the Indianapolis Trade Association and other organizations to form a Chamber of Commerce. Projects included flood control, building a coliseum, and emergency work during the Depression. Offshoot organizations included the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the Bureau of Motion Picture Exchange Operators, and the Sales Executive Counci...